Black sesame seeds 100g

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Sesame seeds are thought to have originated in India. The famous saying "Open sesame!" came from the sesame seed pod which bursts open when ripe. In Africa sesame seeds are called 'benne' and are used as food and for their oil content. In India sesame seeds are called 'till'. Sesame seeds have been around for thousands of years, in fact it is said that when the gods created the world they drank sesame seed wine.


Black sesame seeds are often used in Asian cooking and are quite high in nutritional value. The seeds are harvested and dried during early fall and then used for culinary or medicinal purposes. Sesame seeds were one of the first substances used to make oil. They were also used to make one of the first condiments. Lighter colored sesame seeds are used more in the West and in the Middle East, and the black sesame seeds are more popular in Far East cuisine. White and black sesame seeds can be used together for an attractive accent to any meal. Sesame seeds are rich in vitamins and minerals and offer several health related benefits. Black sesame seeds contain about 60% more calcium than hulled sesame seeds.


Toasting black sesame seeds releases beneficial chemicals as well as enhancing the flavor. Black sesame seeds are high in calcium, iron, copper, magnesium, phosphorus and much more. These minerals help to support healthy bones, muscles, blood, and nervous system. Copper strengthens blood vessels, joints, and bones, and is helpful in relieving arthritis. Magnesium supports vascular and respiratory health. It also contains zinc and calcium, which also improve bone health.


Black sesame seeds are used to improve the health of the bowels. In Chinese medicine they are used to promote health to the kidney and liver, and to treat constipation and promote regular bowel movements. For those prone to or suffering from loose stools or diarrhea, black sesame seeds may make the problem worse. It is therefore best to consult your doctor before taking black sesame seeds as a supplement.