MDH Garam Masala is a traditional blend of 9 different spices namely: cumin, black pepper, coriander, cardamom seeds, cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon, dry ginger, bay leaf, caraway, mace. This spice blend can be used universally
Garam Masala Includes spices beneficial for health. Cardamom helps in digestion, cinnamon can reduce cholesterol and cloves contain antioxidants.
You cannot imagine any Indian cooking without the "quintessential” Garam Masala! The secret to the popularity of Indian curries lies in the blend of spices that imparts the unforgettable zing to your tastebuds. According to Ayurveda it’s this garam masala that brings all the six rasas (taste) into a dish to formulate a balanced diet.
The word garam masala is derived from the Hindi language which literally translates as hot spice mix (garam = hot and masala = spice mixture). You will not come across a "fixed” recipe for garam masala in India, the variations are as numerous as the diverse population when you move from North to South and East to West. Every state, every village, every household has their own traditional recipe for garam masala handed to them from generation to generation.
Garam Masala, Гарам масала, गरम मसाला
It comes in a packet of 100gms vacuumed packet in a foil packing to retain the freshness and aroma of the spices.
Always keep all spices in an air tight container in a cool dry place, after opening the packet
Recipe : Amongst spices blends, Garam masala is a speciality of North India. It is a powdered blend of highly aromatic spices & Black Pepper to make it hot. It is sprinkled in small quantity, when the dish is nearly ready, be it curried or dry, lentils, meat or vegetables, to pep up the spicy aroma for which Indian food is renowned all over the world.
To keep the digestive agni working optimum, it needs the right kind of warmth and heat and that’s the reason why garam masala was born according to ancient Ayurvedic texts to raise the body temperature which in turn results in increased metabolism. When the digestive fire is not at the optimum warmth and is weakened, digestion become sluggish resulting in accumulation of bodily toxins.
9 Healing Wonders Of Garam Masala:
Powdered Garam Masala.
·Fights disease and builds immunity
·Effective pain killer
·Slows-down aging process
·Promotes weight loss
·Increases ability to absorb vitamins, minerals, and proteins
·Relieves gas, heart burn, and soothes upset stomach
·Lowers blood-sugar levels
·Reduces bloating and aids in detoxification
·Fights bad breath
Product of India
МДХ Микс Подправка Гарам Масала 100г
Съдържание: Кориандър, Кимион, Кардамон семена, Черен пипер, Сух джинджифил, Карамфил, Индийско орехче, Канела, Кора от индийско орехче, Дафинов лист, Ким, Жълти чилита; Сред индийските смеси от подправки, Гарам масала произхожда от Северна Индия. Това е смес от силно ароматни подправки и черен пипер, който прави сместа леко люта. Поръсва се малко количество когато ястието е почти готово. За ястия с месо, зеленчуци, зада се постигне автентичния вкус на Индийската кухня, с който е известна в цял свят.
Garam masala mix de condimente indian disponibile în România