Kitchen King Masala MDH 100g / Микс подправки 100г

C240O 100kg

Kitchen King Masala - MDH 100g

Микс подправки 100г, मसालों का राजा


Kitchen King Masala - MDH
मसालों का राजा

As the name suggests, Kitchen King Masala is the king of all masalas, as it is a blend of major spices used in cooking a recipe, mainly a sabzi.


Blend of Spices.


Ingredients: Coriander, Cumin, Chilli, Turmeric, Black Pepper, Cloves, Fenugreek leaves, Salt, Nutmeg, Dry Ginger, Cardamom seeds, Cinnamon, Bay leaf, Pulse, Fennel, Caraway, Mustard, Garlic flakes, Onion flakes, Mace, Cardamom green, Asafoetida.

Produce of India

Culinary Uses

· Kitchen King Masala can be used while making Punjabi sabjis, or even in mix vegetable curries.
· It can also be used while making a curry or a vegetable pulao or a biryani.
· Many non vegetarian dishes, which are spicy and require a blend of flavour can be sprinkled with Kitchen King Masala.


Микс подправки 100г

Съдържание: Кориандър,Чили, Кимион, Куркума, Чесън, Листа от Сминдух, Сол, Черен пипер, Сух джинджифил, Карамфил, Индийско орехче, Кардамон, канела, Асафетида, Дафинов лист, Анасон, Синап, Лук, Кора от индийско орехче;

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