Golden Phoenix White Glutinous Rice 1kg


Голдън Феникс Бял Лепкав Ориз 1кг


Sticky rice is consumed as part of the main diet in Laos, Cambodia and North of Thailand. This rice is eaten with the hands and usually served as a side dish of savory dishes. Golden Phoenix Glutinous Rice is round-grained rice that becomes sticky after cooking. The rice can be easily formed into small balls. In Thailand sticky rice is widely used in desserts e.g. sticky rice with mango.

Лепкавия ориз може да бъде сервиран вместо обикновен ориз към основното ястие или като десерт като му се добави кокосово мляко или да се покрие с плодове или кокосов крем. 

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