Tiparos Fish Sauce 700ml

2172375888 0.700kg

Типарос Рибен Сос


Fish sauce is the single, most important flavoring ingredient in Thai cooking (also well-loved in Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Burma and the Philippines). Used like salt in western cooking and soy sauce in Chinese cooking, good-quality fish sauce imparts a distinct aroma and flavour all its own. Large bottle will get you on the right track to start making all of your favorite Thai dishes. Simply put: if it doesn't have fish sauce, it can't be considered Thai. We are proud to offer Tiparos brand, made by one of Thailand's premier food companies, First Grade export quality. All natural.

Add fish sauce to soups, curries, marinades and salads. Fish sauce is a versatile ingredient that can be both cooked or sprinkled over dishes like Seafood Salad before serving. It is a common table condiment in Thailand, especially combined with fresh lime juice and fresh hot chili peppers.

There is really no good substitute for authentic Thai fish sauce. To use in place of salt, use approximately three times as much fish sauce.

Refrigeration is not advised. Store at room temperature out of direct sunlight for up to 2 years.


Ingredients: Water, Anchovy Extract, Salt, Sugar.


Made In Thailand


Типарос Рибен Сос 300гр 

Съдържание: вода, екстракт от аншоа (риба) 65%, сол, захар; Без мононатриев глутамат; Без консерванти и добавени оцветители;

Отворете, като пробиете малка дупка в капачката; Не съхранявайте в хладилник, може да се появят солни кристали при ниска температура; Улов от тихия океан;

Произход: Тайланд 

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