Wai Wai Rice Vermicelli Noodles 200g


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Wai Wai Rice Vermicelli (Oriental Style Rice Noodles) 

Wai Wai Oriental Style Instant Noodles is processed by using the latest formula through automatic equipments. They are dried hygienically without exposure to the sun to serve as complete food. 

Wai Wai Oriental Style Instant Noodles can be prepared deliciously as soup, fried etc according to required tastes. 

Directions For Use: 
Put rice vermicelli into cool or warm water for 2 minutes and then drain. 

Ingredients: Rice (90%), Water (10%)

Product of: Thailand

Ориенталски спагети за бързо приготвяне;

Съдържание: Ориз 90%, Вода;

Могат да бъдат приготвени като супа, пържени или по друг начин, в зависимост от необходимия вкус;

Употреба: Поставете оризовото фиде в студена или топла вода за 2мин. после изцедете.

Произход: Тайланд; 

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