GoldStar Super Kernel Basmati Rice 5kg


Златна звезда Супер басмати ориз 5кг


Златна звезда Супер басмати ориз 5кг

Cooking Guidelines

Cooking Instructions - General: For best results soak rice in cold water for 20-30 minutes before cooking. Choose one of the following methods according to your usual practice of cooking and the desired quantity.

Hob - From Ambient: Open Pot: Rice should be added to boiling water and cooked for 10 minutes in medium heat. Finally strain and wash in hot water.
Closed Pot: The mixture of water & rice (ratio of 1 3/4 measure of water & 1 measure of rice) should be boiled in heavy based vessel and then cooked for 10 minutes covered with lid in low heat. Allow 5 minutes for cooling.

Microwave - From Ambient: The desired mixture of water & rice (ratio 1 3/4:1) should be covered with a cling film in deep vessel. 6 minutes on thaw completes the process. 300 gms. of rice is recommended at a time.

Storage :Store in cool, dry and hygienic place

Начин на приготвяне: 1 чаша ориз, 2 чаши вода, 1с.л. олио, 1/4 ч.л. сол; Измийте ориза със студена вода за да премахнете излишното нишесте. Смесете ориза, водата, олиото и солта в тенджера. Оставете да престоят 15 мин. След това оставете да заври, разбърквайте от време на време. Намалете котлона на средна температура, покрийте и оставете да ври 15 мин. Махнете от котлона, разрохкайте с вилица и сервирайте. 

Произход: Индия


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